Today more than ever you need an agency that is familiar with the social media, with marketing, PR and advertising anyway - but first and foremost with stories, symbols and contexts.
BGKS Marketing Communications AG was founded in 1997 by Flavian Kurth as a sole proprietorship for marketing consultancies. The founder’s book publication “Erfolgreiches Selbst-Marketing” (Successful Self-Marketing) in the same year was positively received by the press and readers (download). This enabled the agency to convince well-known clients such as Novartis, Roche, Ciba, Siemens and Swisscom right from the start. The strength of BGKS is its solid strategic marketing basis, which forms the basis for the creative implementation.
Creative skills
This pioneering phase has resulted in a solid knowledge and network in all areas of commercial communication. This was recognized at an early stage by international awards both in the classic area (link) and in the area of new media (download). BGKS customers benefit from the creative competence developed over many years, bundled in the creative power of a proven network of permanent employees and freelancers.
Story telling skills
In 2007 BGKS founded a book publishing company and subsequently published novels such as “Der Sauhund” by the well-known advertiser Robert Stalder. Agency founder Flavian Kurth has published two novels with his own publishing house, both of which have been well received in the market and are still available today on (link). BGKS also provides the secretariat of the Fairfond Foundation (link), where a solid knowledge of the narratives of our health system has been acquired.